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How do you turn an incredible hobby into an incredible career? Just as Connery Lundin. The big-mountain skier has been carving his own path in the industry for over a decade, mixing creativity on the slopes with passion for his community.

A native of Oakland, CA, Connery cut his teeth as Palisades Tahoe (formerly Squaw Valley), racing from the Bay Area to the mountains every chance he could. It wasn't long before he became one of Lake Tahoe's local legends.

For Connery, skiing wasn't love at first run. He hated being out in the cold when he was younger and leaving his friends in the Bay area. But through countless weekends competing, the cold became a small price to pay for the fun and freedom skiing provided. From that point on, it wasn't just a hobby–it was a full-blown hustle.

Now those heroes are some of Connery's closest friends. After winning the Freeskiing World Tour in 2015, Connery found himself on the cover of Powder and Freeskiing Magazine multiple times, with epic segments in notable ski films from Warren Miller, Matchstick Productions, and more.

So what's kept him grounded through it all? Giving back. Connery focuses on collaboration and his love of community to inspire and coach the younger generation every summer.

"A recent epic trip was to Patagonia, Argentina this summer. I was filming and skiing with three of my best friends, and this wasn't really a sponsor related trip - it was more for the soul. We had the best powder and we went surfing, and nearly drowned but it was such an adventure. Being in a different country, not speaking the language, that's what it's all about."

Ambassador Connery Image with skis

"I actually grew up playing team sports. Which is funny because now I don't play any team sports. All I do is ski by myself in the mountains, go rock climbing, surf and do all these nature activities, but it all stemmed from team sports."

“In 5 years I hope to be giving back to skiing. The predecessors, the people that came before me, made sponsorships and this whole entire career became a lifestyle, and I want to be able to inspire the next generation in whatever ways I can and give back, because I wouldn't be here without those before me."