Shower Thoughts: Can Soap Get Dirty?
So you’re standing in the shower about to scrub your giblets, when you reach for your bar soap only to discover … it’s DIRTY?!
But wait, it’s soap. How can soap be dirty when it’s, like, the opposite of dirt? Has nature made a mistake?
“Dirty” soap gives the same vibe as a flightless bird, or non-alcoholic beer: it’s a crime against nature. It shouldn't exist. It goes against everything you thought you knew about the world. Now, what started as a normal shower suddenly has you questioning the very nature of existence.
So can soap actually GET dirty? Does all that grime and sweat and chow mein grease stick around, corrupting the soap’s freshness and … cleanability? Or is there some scientific property that neutralizes noodles and stray hair before the soap goes back on your body?
As it turns out (according to internet robots), soap DOES get dirty, though not in the way you think.
While we use it to wash away dirt, germs, oils, and ex-girlfriends, some residue can remain on the surface. BUT soap itself doesn't usually become a breeding ground for germs because of its alkaline nature, which discourages bacterial growth.
So while you might find an occasional castaway from your last adventure hanging on, your bar of soap is most likely free of any gross bacteria.
In other words, soap cleans itself. Just like you. As long as you take a bit of care to rinse it after each use (and store it in a dry place), your bar soap will remain a faithful cleaning tool until the end of its life.
By the way... you should get a bar soap that keeps you clean. Our cold-processed bar soaps stay fresh with plant-based ingredients, scents inspired by nature, and no harsh chemicals.